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Water Pumping

Notice to all City Water Customers

Date:     October 10, 2024 To:         City of Elyria Water Customers From:    Samuel F. Jacob, Water Team Leader Dear Water Customers: On October 8 and 9, 2024, the City of Elyria was performing the final inspection of the transmission pipes from the Elyria Water Pumping Plant to the Elyria Water...

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Water Plant Update

Dear Citizens and Valued Customers, The power to Elyria’s Water Plant was restored last night, and the plant began pumping water again.  You should be experiencing improved water pressure today.  To help ensure a smooth transition back to normal system operation, the Precautionary Drinking Water...

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Precautionary Drinking Water Warning

PRECAUTIONARY DRINKING WATER WARNING BOIL YOUR WATER BEFORE USING OR USE BOTTLED WATER Due to an electrical issue at the water plant causing reduced pumping capacity, which could result in lower than normal distribution system pressures, we are recommending the following precautions: DO NOT DRINK...

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