Elyria - Lorain County Overbrook Pump Station and Sewer Loan number: CS390337-0035 The attached Limited Environmental Review (LER) is for a sewer replacement and new pump station project which the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA) intends to finance through its Water Pollution...
Public Notice
Oberlin-Elyria Road Corridor Improvement Project:
The City of Elyria is seeking public input on the Oberlin-Elyria Road Corridor Improvement Project. The project includes removal of the traffic Signal at the intersection of West Ave/S. Maple St./Oberlin-Elyria Rd. Stop signs shall be installed at West Ave and S. Maple St. A new pedestrian...
Public Notice – Elyria Water System Inspection
Dear Water Customers: On September 11, 2024, the City of Elyria will begin inspecting the transmission pipes from the Elyria Water Pumping Plant to the Elyria Water System. As part of this inspection, one of the major transmission lines that delivers water to Elyria Residents will be shut down...
Elyria CIC Meeting
The Elyria Community Improvement Corporation Board will meet on 9/28/23 at 11:00 am to conduct any and all business that may come before the Board. Meeting will take place at City Hall in the 3rd Floor Conference Room. Public welcome.
Civil Service Commission Meeting Agenda: Monday, August 21st, 2023
Civil Service Commission Meeting Agenda: Monday, August 21st, 2023
Comprehensive Land Use Plan Survey 1 Results
The online survey was open from the end of December, 2022 to the beginning of May, 2023. 398 responses were submitted in total. Survey respondents were asked about the existing conditions in Elyria, what topics the comprehensive plan should address, and what they thought the top priorities should...
FirstEnergy and Ohio Edison to Brighten the City of Elyria with Holiday Lights Display
ELYRIA, Ohio – FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) and its subsidiary Ohio Edison will brighten Elyria with a professionally designed light display as part of the company’s second annual “Light Up Holiday Smiles with FirstEnergy” program. The initiative is helping make the season brighter and merrier...
PRESS RELEASE: VFW Post 1079 Honors Military Families through Hometown Heroes Sponsorship
PRESS RELEASE: VFW Post 1079 Honors Military Families through Hometown Heroes Sponsorship ELYRIA, OH – VFW Post 1079 has announced sponsorship of families who have purchased banners through the Hometown Heroes Banner Program in Elyria. The program honors the men and woman of the Armed Forces who...