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Hydrant Flushing

Hydrant Flushing 07.02.2024: Water Distribution will be flushing hydrants on the following streets on 7/2/2024. Customers in the area may experience some water discoloration due to hydrant flushing. This will only be temporary. Customers should run the cold water in...

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Fireworks Ordinance – Reminder

A note from the Mayor's Office, RE: Fireworks Complaints We have received several complaints about fireworks. I have asked the Elyria Police Department to increase enforcement of the City of Elyria's fireworks ordinance. Two officers will be dedicated exclusively to...

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Gulf Rd. Closure

Gulf Rd. Closure July 3, 2024: Gulf Rd. will be completely closed between Poplar and Ohio St. This closure will begin at 6 am until 8 pm. This will be for one day only. There are a number of crews available to work on multiple areas to hasten the project. Detour will...

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Hydrant Flushing

Hydrant Flushing Effective 07.01.2024: Water Distribution will be flushing hydrants on the following streets on 7/1/2024. Customers in the area may experience some water discoloration due to hydrant flushing. This will only be temporary. Customers should run the cold...

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Poplar St. Update

Effective end of day 06.28.2024: Poplar St. will be open to both directions, at the end of the work day today. However, please slow down, due to the rough road/construction.  This will remain open until further notice of it’s restoration. Continue to watch for...

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Hydrant Flushing

Water Distribution will be flushing hydrants on the following streets on 6/28/2024. Customers in the area may experience some water discoloration due to hydrant flushing. This will only be temporary. Customers should run the cold water in the home until the water...

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Hydrant Flushing

Hydrant Flushing 06.27.2024: Water Distribution will be flushing hydrants on the following streets on 6/27/2024. Customers in the area may experience some water discoloration due to hydrant flushing. This will only be temporary. Customers should run the cold water in...

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Gulf Rd. Update

Gulf Rd. Update Effective 06.26.24: Westbound Ohio St. Is now open! This means that both directions are open.

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Hydrant Flushing

Hydrant Flushing Effective 06.26.2024: Water Distribution will be flushing hydrants on the following streets on 6/26/2024. Customers in the area may experience some water discoloration due to hydrant flushing. This will only be temporary. Customers should run the cold...

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Gulf Rd. Update

Gulf Rd. Update Effective today, June 26, 2024: Progress is happening! The southbound traffic will now travel on the new concrete, from Poplar thru Ohio St.. (on the east side of the road) This will enable the contractor to prepare the catch basins, and mill the west...

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