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Hydrant Flushing

Hydrant Flushing Effective 07.11.2024: Water Distribution will be flushing hydrants on the following streets on 7/11/2024. Customers in the area may experience some water discoloration due to hydrant flushing. This will only be temporary. Customers should run the cold...

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Poplar St. Update

Poplar St. Update Effective Thursday, July 11, 2024: Poplar St., between Harwood and Gulf Rd. will begin complete restoration to the road. This section of the road will be completely closed. Detour Harwood-Dilworth, and Poplar-Abbe. The intersection of Poplar &...

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Hydrant Flushing

Hydrant Flushing Effective  07.10.2024: Water Distribution will be flushing hydrants on the following streets on 7/10/2024. Customers in the area may experience some water discoloration due to hydrant flushing. This will only be temporary. Customers should run the...

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Hydrant Flushing

Hydrant Flushing Effective 07.09.2024: Water Distribution will be flushing hydrants on the following streets on 7/9/2024. Customers in the area may experience some water discoloration due to hydrant flushing. This will only be temporary. Customers should run the cold...

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Hydrant Flushing

Hydrant Flushing Effective 07.08.2024: Water Distribution will be flushing hydrants on the following streets on 7/8/2024. Customers in the area may experience some water discoloration due to hydrant flushing. This will only be temporary. Customers should run the cold...

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Downtown Retail Pop-up Shop Program: Now Accepting Applications

The City of Elyria (the “City”) is introducing its first-ever Downtown Retail Pop-up Shop Program. The program calls for qualified small businesses looking to grow into brick-and-mortar stores. The program will bolster the downtown retail sector by providing selected...

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