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Hydrant Flushing 08/01/2024

Hydrant Flushing 08.01.2024: Water Distribution will be flushing hydrants on the following streets on 8/1/2024. Customers in the area may experience some water discoloration due to hydrant flushing. This will only be temporary. Customers should run the cold water in...

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Gulf Rd. Update

Effective 07.31.2024 @5:00 PM: Gulf Rd., between Ohio and Poplar, will open up to one lane in each direction! This will begin today, approximately 5:00 PM. All of the side streets will be opened as well. E. Broad St. (between Henry & Abbe Rd. S) will have the base...

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Hydrant Flushing 7/31/2024

Hydrant Training Effective 07.31.2024: Water Distribution will be flushing hydrants on the following streets on 7/31/2024. Customers in the area may experience some water discoloration due to hydrant flushing. This will only be temporary. Customers should run the cold...

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Hydrant Flushing

Hydrant Flushing Effective July 30, 2024: Water Distribution will be flushing hydrants on the following streets on 7/30/2024. Customers in the area may experience some water discoloration due to hydrant flushing. This will only be temporary. Customers should run the...

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Gulf Rd. North of SR 57

Gulf Rd. North of SR 57 Maintenance Effective Wednesday, July 31, 2024: Routine maintenance will transpire on Gulf Road between Burns and Hilliard. This will take place on Wednesday, July 31, 2024 between 9AM-12PM. Emergency vehicles, residents on Gulf Rd. in this...

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Hydrant Flushing

Hydrant Flushing Effective 07.29.2024: Water Distribution will be flushing hydrants on the following streets on 7/29/2024. Customers in the area may experience some water discoloration due to hydrant flushing. This will only be temporary. Customers should run the cold...

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Hydrant Flushing

Hydrant Flushing Effective 07.26.2024: Water Distribution will be flushing hydrants on the following streets on 7/26/2024. Customers in the area may experience some water discoloration due to hydrant flushing. This will only be temporary. Customers should run the cold...

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Hydrant Flushing

Hydrant Flushing Effective 07.25.2024: Water Distribution will be flushing hydrants on the following streets on 7/25/2024. Customers in the area may experience some water discoloration due to hydrant flushing. This will only be temporary. Customers should run the cold...

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