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Gulf Rd. Update

Effective Monday, May 6, 2024: The restoration on Gulf Rd. will begin, between Dilworth to Hamilton. Southbound traffic will still be in place. All intersections on Gulf between Dilworth to Hamilton will be closed for curb and concrete road base.

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Effective currently, 05.01.2024: This piece of the asphalt project is completed as planned. The surface course will be added at a later date. There is still a lot of work needed in these areas, such as manhole, water valve adjustments, sidewalks, tree lawn work, etc....

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Cleveland St. Update/Revision

Cleveland St. Update/Revision Effective 05.07.2024: Due to weather, the contractor has adjusted the date of traffic, one lane each way to May 7, 2024. The remainder of this week there will be a single lane closure traveling westbound (away from downtown)

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Cleveland St. Update

Cleveland St. Update Effective Tuesday, April 30, 2024: Due to machine issues, the traffic pattern change for the Cleveland St. project will not transpire until Tuesday, April 30th, 2024.

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Community Development Block Grant Update

Community Development Block Grant Update Effective 04/25/2024: Due to an influx of CDBG applications, we cannot accept any more at this time. Please check back in three months to see if additional money is available.

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Poplar/Harwood/Dilworth Update

Effective, Monday April 29th, 2024: On Monday, April 29th, 2024, the final roadway grading for asphalt will be completed. Asphalt (base) is anticipated to be completed on Tuesday and Wednesday (April 30, May 1). Contractor notification has been given to residents,...

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