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Hydrant Flushing 9/30/2024

Hydrant Flushing 09.30.2024: Water Distribution will be flushing hydrants on the Following streets on 9/30/2024. Customers in the area may experience some water discoloration due to hydrant flushing. This will only be temporary. Customers should run the cold water in...

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Adaptive Sports to host Paralympic Experience in Elyria

Adaptive Sports to host Paralympic Experience in Elyria

In partnership with Adaptive Sports Ohio, the City of Elyria is thrilled to bring a Paralympic Experience event to Lorain County Community College on Wednesday, October 9th. The event will feature multiple sports stations including Wheelchair Football, Rugby, and...

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Broad & Cedar/2nd St., Traffic Change

Broad & Cedar/2nd St., traffic change Effective 09.19.2024: Please be alert, and pay attention to the new traffic light and pattern change at the intersection of Broad St. and Cedar/2nd. Traveling east on Broad (away from downtown): Broad St. has a left lane, and...

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Cleveland St. Update

Cleveland St. Update Effective 09.19.2024: The preparation and resurfacing of Cleveland Street is well underway. There will be brief, periodic delays at side street intersections as the contractor performs work. Reminder that this is a construction zone, and please...

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Bell Ave. Road Construction

Bell Ave. Road Construction Effective 09.17.2024: Columbia Gas performed gas line work on Bell Ave., between Penfield and Lake. The road restoration is currently being performed. Bell Ave. will be closed to all traffic, except direct residents and emergency vehicles...

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Cleveland St. Update

Cleveland St. Update Effective 09.17.2024: Road resurfacing has begun on Cleveland St.! The paving process will take a number of weeks, so please be aware of traffic pattern changes, and slight delays.

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