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E. Broad St. Update

E. Broad St. Update Effective 10.04.2024: As the E. Broad St. project progresses, intersections between E. River and Abbe Rd. S. will be closed for paving. These will be brief, periodic closures that may affect your travel.

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Hydrant Flushing 10/3/2024

Hydrant Flushing Effective 10.03.2024: Water Distribution will be flushing hydrants on the Following streets on 10/3/2024. Customers in the area may experience some water discoloration due to hydrant flushing. This will only be temporary. Customers should run the cold...

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Furnace St. Closure

Furnace St. Closure Effective 10.03.2024 @ 8:35 AM: Furnace Street will be closed between Lake Ave. to the 5 point intersection. The City’s Street Department will be making repairs on the roadway, at 320 Furnace St. on Thursday, October 3, 2024, approximately 8:35 AM....

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Hydrant Flushing 10/2/2024

Hydrant flushing Effective 10.02.2024: Water Distribution will be flushing hydrants on the Following streets on 10/2/2024. Customers in the area may experience some water discoloration due to hydrant flushing. This will only be temporary. Customers should run the cold...

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Cleveland St. Update

Effective, today 10.01.2024: We are moving along with the Cleveland St. project. Today at 4:00 PM, depending on weather, either paint or tape striping will be installed. Once this is completed, the new traffic signal at Cleveland & Olive will be operational. THIS...

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Hydrant Flushing 10/1/2024

Effective 10.01.2024: Sorry for the delayed notification: Water Distribution will be flushing hydrants on the Following streets on 10/1/2024. Customers in the area may experience some water discoloration due to hydrant flushing. This will only be temporary. Customers...

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