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Correction: Furnace St. Resurfacing Project

CORRECTION Furnace St. Resurfacing Project Effective 10.28.2024: The resurfacing project for Furnace St. (between Lake and 5 points) will begin on Monday, Oct. 28, 2024. The road will be closed, please follow West River Detour. Depending on the section being worked...

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Abbe Rd. N, at Finwood

Abbe Rd. N, at Finwood Effective 10.24.2024 & 10.25.2024: Abbe Rd. N, northbound, at Finwood will have the curb lane closed, due to road work at Finwood Estates. This is for Thursday & Friday. Be alert, and merge well in advance!

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City of Elyria to Send EPA Required Notices to Water Customers

The City of Elyria is sending important notifications to water customers regarding the potential presence of lead service lines in the City’s water infrastructure. While recent testing indicates Elyria’s water system does not contain actionable levels of lead or...

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Employees of the Month: Dale Haynes and Dana Linden

Employees of the Month: Dale Haynes and Dana Linden

From the Mayor’s Office: On behalf of The City of Elyria I’d like to congratulate Dale Haynes and Dana Linden for their selection as Employees of the Month. Please take a moment to read about their selection and join me in thanking them for their excellent service....

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Architectural Design Rendering Financial Support Program

The City of Elyria has announced another financial tool to assist local business owners and prospective owners with lowering costs of commercial space repair and upgrades. The Architectural Design Rendering Financial Support Program provides funding which can be used...

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