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Water Distribution Hydrant flushing planned for Friday, August 26th, 2022

Aug 26, 2022

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  4.  » Water Distribution Hydrant flushing planned for Friday, August 26th, 2022

The City of Elyria Water Distribution Department will be flushing for water quality at the following locations:

Elyria Central Maintenance Garage
Infirmary Road across from Dauch Concrete
Murray Ridge Adult Workshop
899 Oberlin Road
City Limits on Middle Avenue
1250 East River
495 Stillwater
952 Elywood
220 Schaden
7492 Murray Ridge
1327 East Ave.
8303 Murray Ridge (A.P.L.)
2396 North Ridge (across from Good Deal Auto)
Elyria South Rec

For any issues or concerns contact Elyria Water Distribution at 440-322-2927.