The Community Development Committee shall consider matters relating to regional planning, the elimination by redevelopment of substandard areas of the City, the purchase, construction, repair, control and disposition of municipal buildings, lands, and parking lots, and the regulation of building and land use, including zoning, platting, the act of vacating, and enforcement of Building Codes.
- Chair: Chad Schneider
- Vice-Chair: Donna Mitchell
- Members: Andrew C. G. Lipian, Kenny Oswald, Thomas Callahan
The Finance Committee shall consider matters relating to finances and various funds of the City, sources of revenue, authorization of expenditures, payment of personal services and claims.
- Chair: Phillip Tollett
- Vice-Chair: Brenda Davis
- Members: Jack Cerra, Chad Schneider, Mary Siwierka
The Utilities, Safety & Environment Committee shall consider matters relating to public parks and recreation facilities, and shall consider matters relating to the operation of the municipal fire and police departments, traffic regulations and safety of persons and property, nuisances, air and water pollution, and shall consider matters relating to the health and welfare of the citizens, and also the operating and maintenance of the sanitation department and cemetery facilities of the City.
Also, they shall consider matters relating to franchises, rates, and regulations involving outside City water contracts, the furnishing of natural and artificial gas, electric service, telephone service, public and private lighting, railroads, busses, taxicabs, and other carriers of persons or property within the City, and airports and shall consider matters referring to location, construction, improvements, maintenance, repair and grades of streets, sidewalks, pavements, and bridges, and shall consider matters relating to furnishing water inside the City limits, construction, maintenance and operation of the municipal waterworks, water distribution system, sewage treatment works, sanitary sewer system and storm sewer and drainage systems.
- Chair: Donna Mitchell
- Vice-Chair: Brenda Davis
- Members: Victor F. Stewart III, Kenny Oswald, Brad Armstrong
The Rules Committee shall consider amendments to Council Rules, appointment of Special Committees of Council, recommend appointment of members of the Board of Equalization, appointment of Council members to bodies requesting Council representation, provide in detail the organization of the Municipal Government, define the powers and duties of each organizational unit and determine the administrative procedures to be followed, promote mutual cooperation, understanding and more communication with all elected officials in the City on matters pertaining to the affairs of the Senior Citizens and City Schools in Elyria and work with the Mayor, Superintendent of Schools and a member of the Board of Education to formulate procedures and structures for mutual cooperation and understanding.
Amendment to and revisions of the Administrative Code may be made by the Council in the same manner as amendments are made to other ordinances.
- Chair: Jack Cerra
- Vice-Chair: Thomas Callahan
- Members: Phillip Tollett, Victor Stewart
The Strategic Planning Committee shall consider such matters as may from time to time be referred to said Committee in accordance with these Council rules.
- Chair: Victor Stewart
- Vice-Chair: Donna Mitchell
- Members: All other members of council