Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult at all times. North Pool will not have a functioning baby pool this summer. Pool may close due to inclement weather, low attendance or unforeseen circumstances.
Summer 2025 schedule and Lifeguard Certification information coming soon.
See calendar for times and dates evening swim will be offered.
- Age 2 and under: FREE
- Age 3 and up: $4
- Family Swim age 3 and up: $3
Season Passes
- Individual: $60
- Family Pass: $200
- Family pass includes up to four members. Additional members are $30 each.
East Pool
1105 Prospect Street
Elyria, OH 44035
Phone: 440-323-3867
North Pool
901 Duffey Street
Elyria, OH 44035
Phone: 440-365-4251
Splash Pads
The City of Elyria features two Splash Pads which are open 7 days a week from Memorial Day to Labor Day from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
- WEST PARK | 1200 Foster Avenue, Elyria, OH 44035
- SOUTH PARK | 101 South Park Drive, Elyria, OH 44035
Lifeguard Certification
Lifeguard Certification information coming soon
- Everyone must obey the Manager and Lifeguard at all times. No one is allowed in the swimming area unless the pool is officially open and a lifeguard is on duty. Not following this rule is considered trespassing.
- Running, pushing, shoving, dunking and horseplay are not permitted.
- Glass containers and gum are not permitted.
- Persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be admitted to the pool.
- Diving and flipping from the side of the pool is not permitted.
- The Lifeguard & Manager have the authority to test a person’s swimming ability at any time and reserves the right to ask anyone to leave the pool area that does not follow rules.
- Life guards are employed for life saving duties, to enforce pool rules, and to take charge of the pool. They shall not assume responsibility for any other duty, such as attending to or looking after children.
- All children twelve (12) years of age or younger must be accompanied by an adult.
- No hanging on the ropes.
- People with open cuts and wounds will not be allowed in the water.
- Coast Guard approved life jackets/flotation devices will be permitted with an adult, age 18 and older, in the water with them. One adult per child with flotation device and adult must be within arm’s reach of the child at all times. No large pool floats/ rafts/ infant holders permitted.
- No one, under the age of 18, is allowed to hold/carry a swimmer that cannot touch the bottom of the pool.
- Swimmers must use the ladders when making their exit from the deep end of the pool.
- Smoking/Vaping is prohibited.
- Street clothes, tennis shoes and street shoes are NOT permitted on the pool deck. Swimmers must have proper swim attire and “sports shorts” are NOT permitted.
- Swimmers will be admitted to the pool on a first-come, first-serve basis. Individuals may not loiter in the entrance. Pass holders will be admitted first to the pool. Pool capacity may vary and may be limited by staffing.
- There is no re-entry into the pool. Once patrons leave they must repay admission fees to re-enter the facility.
- Refreshments purchased at the pool must be eaten in designated areas. Patrons may inform the Manager of picnic plans, have hands stamped, and re-enter the pool when finished.
- Intentional splashing of guards or other swimmers is not permitted.
- Balls and other play toys will be permitted at all pools, at times designated by the Pool Manager on duty.
- Bathing suits are required. Bermuda’s, blue jeans, underwear, sports shorts, and excessively long shorts below the knees are not permitted. This is left to the manager’s discretion.
- Profane language, violent/offensive tattoos, body art and/or public display of affection is prohibited. This is left to Manager’s discretion and/or complaints from patrons.
- Patrons are not to socialize with the lifeguards while on duty. Excessive talking to the lifeguards while they are on duty is not permitted.
- All persons entering the pool 3 years and older must pay an admission fee. No refunds will be given.
- Diving is permitted on the deep end of the pool from the diving boards only and all dives must be straight out. No double bouncing, backward or inward dives. No backflips off the diving board.
- Non-toilet trained children must wear a swim diaper at all times when in the pool.
- Only adults, 18 years and older, may swim during breaks. If the person swimming during break is of questionable age, the Manager has a right to ask for a valid I.D. If no D. can be produced the Manager has the right to ask the person not to swim during breaks. Misinformation to staff about your age could cause ejection for the season.
- Injured patrons must fill out an accident report with Manager or Lifeguard on duty. We reserve the right to call EMS or ambulance in cases of a medical emergency if a child is involved and a parent/guardian is not present.
- Please be considerate and clean up your area before leaving the pool.
- Organized groups must follow all rules and be supervised by an adult. All groups must schedule visits in advance.
- NO backpacks or large bags are allowed on the pool deck.
- There is a ZERO tolerance policy for any physical altercations or play fighting. Any altercations are grounds for ejection from both pool locations for the summer.
- The Elyria Parks and Recreation Department is not responsible for any lost/stolen items.
Failure to follow pool rules or disregard for/disrespecting life guards may result in a patron being asked to leave the premises. Disregard for pool rules may result in revoking of pool pass without refund.
- Users must be able to swim to the ladder. (A swim test may be required if you are unsure of swim ability) Our slides are located in 5 (five) feet of water.
- Riders must slide feet first.
- No stopping on the slide.
- No forming trains or chains on the slide.
- Exit the splash pool immediately.
- Parents may not wait in the splash area to catch a child.
- Children older than 10 years old may not use the slide.
- No lifejackets are allowed to be worn on the slide.
Failure to follow pool rules or disregard for/disrespecting life guards may result in a patron being asked to leave the premises. Disregard for pool rules may result in revoking of pool pass without refund.