New language added to the 2017 Ohio Fire Code (OFC) at Section 320 put basic measures into place for mobile food trucks and units. These provisions became effective on December 15, 2017 and are required to be enforced by the State Fire Marshal and municipal fire departments.
In order to ensure and maintain compliance with the 2017 OFC for the health, safety and protection of the citizens of Elyria and our visitors, the Elyria Fire Department (EFD) has established a season permit-inspection process for all mobile food units to operate in the City of Elyria. All vendors requesting a mobile food unit permit must submit a completed season permit application form to the EFD Fire Prevention Bureau (FPB) (find address above).
Please attached to your application a copy of the owner’s Driver’s License or State ID card, a copy of the minimally required liability insurance bond, a current State of Ohio or Lorain County Health Department certificate and, if LPG (Propane) is being used, a copy of the required third party pressure-leak testing and the general inspection for LPG (Propane) per the attached Ohio State Fire Marshal’s Technical Bulletin #18-002 Mobile Food Units attached to the Elyria Fire Department Pressure-Leak Test And General Inspection Certificate sheet.
Upon receipt of the application and review by the FPB, an inspection of the mobile food unit by the FPB shall then be scheduled at a designated location determined by the FPB. If the mobile food unit is determined to be in compliance with the 2017 OFC after the inspection and all documentation is received, complete and satisfactory, then the FPB shall issue a Mobile Food Unit Permit for display on the mobile food unit when operating in the City of Elyria.
No mobile food unit shall be operated in the City of Elyria without a valid and current EFD Mobile Food Unit Permit prominently displayed on the exterior of the unit. Any mobile food unit observed unattended when open for business, at an unauthorized location, beyond the authorized hours of any special event, or without a valid and current EFD Mobile Food Unit Permit shall be deemed operating without a permit and may be subject to enforcement. The unit will be ordered to be shut down and to leave the special event. An EFD Mobile Food Unit Permit may be revoked, or suspended for failure to comply with the 2017 OFC. In addition to possessing a valid and current EFD Mobile Food Unit Permit, the vendor and the mobile food unit are subject to random field inspections at any time at any event in the City of Elyria.
Available Pressure-Leak Test and General Inspection Location in Lorain County for Mobile Food Units with LPG (Propane):
Neff Brothers RV
4500 Grove Avenue, Lorain, OH 44055
Phone: 440-282-5600
Fire Prevention Bureau
Asst. Chief William Gall, Fire Marshall
330 East Broad Street
Elyria, OH 44035
Phone: 440-323-1021
Fax: 440-322-1025
For the Food Truck Application Form and Ohio Fire code document, click the Forms button above and scroll down to Fire Department.