The City of Elyria Engineering Department works closely with the Wastewater Pollution Control Plant, Water Distribution and Water Pumping, as well as our Street Department to improve and maintain Elyria’s infrastructure. Determines the appropriate compliance measures for many State and Federal regulatory agencies.
Prior to any underground construction activities, please notify all local utilities and the Ohio Utility Protection Service by calling 1-800-362-2764 or 811.
Residents or contractors must get a permit from the Engineering Department for excavation in the tree lawn or street, new sanitary or water connections, grading, commercial drive approach or storm water activities.
Bids and RFPs
Solicits proposals on behalf of the City for procurement of a commodity, service, or valuable asset either at the preliminary study, or procurement stage.
Stormwater Utility
Provides stormwater management to meet and maintain EPA NPDES Water Quality permit requirements while responsibly addressing drainage and floodplain management with available resources.
Street Resurfacing
Oversees all street resurfacing projects within the City. Every year, the Engineering Department ranks all Elyria streets that are in need of repair. Visit the Street Resurfacing page to learn more.
Public Works Projects
Responsible for the planning, design, construction management, and inspections of all city-owned Public Works projects. This does not include building inspections.
Bridge Inspections
Performs detailed inspections in accordance with the ODOT Manual of Bridge Inspection.
Street Addresses
Responsible for assigning addresses for new structure or request for a new address for an existing structure.
Sewer Laterals
To request the location of city-owned sewer main, storm main, or water line, please contact us at 440-326-1444. To serve you best, a 24-hour notice is appreciated.
Traffic, Traffic Patterns and Traffic Signals
Notify the Engineering Department a minimum of two days before the start of any proposed or planned construction zones or altered traffic patterns within the City. Responsible for requests for traffic counts, traffic-related suggestions, sign or guardrail damage.
Engineering Department
John Schneider, P.E., City Engineer
131 Court Street, Suite 303
Elyria, Ohio 44035
Phone: 440-326-1444
Fax: 440-326-1441
Stormwater Information Line:
Department Staff:
Kathryn McKillips, P.E., Assistant City Engineer
Justin Dietz, CPESC, Project Manager
Jade Atkinson, Engineering Secretary
William Forthofer, Project Manager
Tim Gallagher, Inspector
Pat Beckwith, Inspector
Keith Everhart, Inspector
Thomas Oliver, Inspector
Tom Roelle, Locator
Gina Rothgery, Traffic Engineering Technician
Scott Buzaleski, GIS Technician