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  8.  » City Planning FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Zoning?

Answer:Zoning is a set of laws that governs how private land can be used, what types of buildings may be built, and how those buildings
should be positioned on a parcel. For example, a zoning code may tell you how tall your house may be, whether or not you may use
your property as a day-care center, a house, or a restaurant, or how big a sign may be installed outside of your business.

Why does zoning exist?

Answer:Zoning has evolved over the last century in the US. In the early years, it focused on separating polluting industrial uses from
residential neighborhoods to keep residents safe and healthy. As it has evolved, it has become more detailed with a longer list of
zones, some for low-density residential uses, high-density residential uses, mixed-uses, institutional and park uses, and commercial
and industrial uses. Zoning can also regulate architectural design of buildings, such as building styles and heights, fences, signs,
parking, landscaping, and public art.

While zoning may limit your freedom to use your property how you desire, it offers a significant benefit: you can reasonably predict
how land will be developed on your neighbor’s properties simply by knowing their zoning district. For example, if your neighbor’s
property falls within the Residential 1 District, you can predict that it will be used for residential purposes with a building that does
not exceed 40 feet in height.

Why is Elyria updating its zoning code?

Answer: The code should reflect the comprehensive plan goals.
As part of the implementation of the 2024 “Our Elyria” Comprehensive Plan, the City of Elyria Planning and Zoning Code (starting on
Chapter 1101 of the Code of Ordinances) is being updated. The comprehensive plan emphasizes housing opportunities, promoting
local business growth, improving bicycle and pedestrian safety and access, increase access to food, and developing green space.

The code is due for modernization.
Elyria’s zoning code was adopted in 1998. That’s over 25 years ago! And in those years, the world has experienced a lot of change.
Technology, business, agriculture, and commuting patterns have evolved with global economic trends. New land uses have emerged,
such as agritourism, micro-breweries, and short-term rentals (i.e., AirBnBs and VRBOs). Additionally, state and federal policies have
changed, including case law related to signs and free-speech protections. This update aims to modernize the code and provide
strategic future-proofing for new technologies, macro-economic trends, and a changing climate.

What is going to happen to my neighborhood?

Answer:No decisions have yet been made, as it is still early in the zoning code update process. However, many existing neighborhoods will
retain their current character. Several proposed changes include: adding a mixed-use zoning designation (“Corridor District”) along
some of the main roads, allowing diverse uses in downtown Elyria (see the “Downtown District”) to help it prosper, provide job
opportunities by allowing diverse uses in the Commercial and Industrial Districts, and allowing for infill development in the older
residential neighborhoods.

To better understand what is proposed for your neighborhood, first locate your property on the proposed zoning map. Using the
color of the parcel, refer to the legend and find the zoning district that applies to that property. Then, go to that zoning district and
review the list of allowed uses and building standards. Do you have comments? Do you believe your property or a neighboring
property is inappropriately zoned? Leave your feedback.

When will the new zoning code take effect?

Answer:The project is planned to begin the adoption process in early summer 2025. This adoption process may take several months and
consists of public hearings before the Planning Commission and the City Council.

Between now and the adoption process, the zoning team has a lot of work to complete—it will develop drafts of regulations for
signs, fences, parking, procedures for applying for permits, and definitions.

How do I get engaged in the process?

Answer: Attend one of the scheduled Zoning Update Public Meetings. Click here for the schedule or copy the link below into your browser. 

By attending a public meeting, you are engaging in this once-in-a-generation process. These meetings are an opportunity for you to share
feedback—positive or constructive—so that we may consider changing the proposed map, districts, or uses before they are
presented to the Planning Commission. We will also be scheduling more opportunities so keep an eye out for additional public meetings and Planning
Commission meetings going forward.