The Office of City Planning reviews existing and future development within the City of Elyria and ensures that development in Elyria occurs in a logical, safe, orderly and fair manner. The city planner reviews requests for information of current zoning, rezoning, conditional uses, variances, landmarks, and design review.
Please submit applications to or in-person at 131 Court Street, Suite 101.
Planning Commission Application
The Planning Commission Application is used to apply for rezoning, conditional uses, and variances. For more information and questions please contact the City Planner – contact information may be found at the top of this page.
Landmarks Preservation Commission
The Elyria Landmarks Preservation Commission studies the problems and determines the needs of the City in restoring and preserving historic landmarks, areas and neighborhoods and works for the continuing education of the residents with respect to the architectural and historic heritage of the City. The Commission reviews and acts on all applications for certificates of approval, works with developers, builders, and building owners to make them aware of the preservation guidelines and assists with the preparation of design guidelines for renovations to existing historic buildings and to non-historic buildings within designated Districts and for new construction within designated Districts.
Furthermore, the Commission reviews all proposals for National Register nominations, works to erect historic markers to denote landmark buildings and areas in the City, initiates and conducts an ongoing process for the survey of cultural resources within the City in accordance with the standards and guidelines established by the Ohio Historic Preservation Office, acts as an advisor to public officials and private individuals regarding the protection of local cultural resources and maintains a register of listed properties and designated Landmark Preservation Districts. The Commission recommends to Council legislation for designation of individual properties and historic districts that would serve to beautify, protect, preserve, restore and develop the City,
Any repairs, replacements, alterations or additions to the exterior of a home located in the “West by the River” Historical District must be approved by the City of Elyria Landmarks Commission. Interior alterations or modifications, landscaping or garden alterations do not require approval.
For additional information, please contact the Office of Community Development, 131 Court Street, Suite 302, Elyria, Ohio 44035.
Design Review
Request Zoning Information
Elyria City Hall
C/O City Planner
131 Court Street Suite 302
Elyria, OH 44035
Plans & Studies
Our Elyria Comprehensive Plan
The Our Elyria Comprehensive Plan is a foundational document adopted by the City of Elyria that will guide future policy and decision making. Following the adoption of the plan, a zoning code rewrite using the recommendations in the land use chapter will be developed. The strategies found in the implementation chapter should be considered for action steps for the City to reach its vision and goals. Public egagement played a key role in the plan’s creation to ensure the plan reflects the goals of the community.
Our Elyria Comprehensive Plan PDF
The Our Elyria Comprehensive Plan was adopted by City Council under Ordinance 2024-096.
Ordinance 2024-96 PDF
Active Transportation Plan
The Active Transportation Plans aim to create safe, easy and fun opportunities for residents of all ages and abilities to choose human-powered transportation options. Human-powered transportation includes biking, walking, skating, scooting, and rolling to get where you want to go. When it is safe and easy to choose human-powered transportation, communities can reverse the nationwide trend toward obesity and chronic diseases associated with inactivity.
City of Elyria Active Transportation Plan PDF
The Active Transportation Plan was adopted by City Council under Resolution 2021-031.
Resolution 2021-31
Proposed Planning and Zoning Code
Christopher A. Schoenig, AICP
City Planner, Community Development Department
131 Court Street, Suite 302
Elyria, Ohio 44035
Phone: 440-326-1400 ext. 1545