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Finance Committee Meeting Agenda: Feb 24, 2020

Feb 21, 2020

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[Immediately Following the JOINT Meeting]

Vic Stewart ~ Committee Chair FINAL Agenda

1. Approval of the FEBRUARY 10TH, 2020 Finance Meeting Minutes

2. The matter of a Phone System Upgrade for Elyria Municipal Courts.

REFERRED BY: Municipal Court Clerk Rothgery

3. The matter of a Security Camera System for Elyria Municipal Courts.

REFERRED BY: Municipal Court Clerk Rothgery

4. The matter of a Job Classification change for the position of Elyria Muni Court Deputy Clerk-Administrative.

REFERRED BY: Municipal Court Clerk Rothgery

5. The matter of the Resurfacing Project of the Elyria Police Station Parking Lot.

REFERRED BY: Assistant Service Director Brubaker

6. The matter of City Property that is no longer being used and to be disposed of by selling.

REFERRED BY: Assistant Service Director Brubaker

7. The matter of City Property that is no longer being used and to be disposed of as scrap.

REFERRED BY: Assistant Service Director Brubaker

8. The matter of the Temporary Appropriations for the year 2020.

REFERRED BY: Finance Directors Pileski and Farrell

9. The matter of the Permanent Appropriations for the year 2020.

REFERRED BY: Finance Directors Pileski and Farrell

[For Discussion Only]



1. The matter of citizen requests for additional street lighting. W/ CD Referred by: SSD Siwierka (tabled 1/11/16 & 4/11/16)

2. The matter of equipping police cruisers and police officers with video cameras. (4/24/17 tabled) Referred by: Councilman Tanner

3. The matter of the Sanitation Rate Review to adopt new Sanitation Rates. Referred By: Safety Service Director Siwierka

4. The matter of changes to Chapter 165 Executive Summary. Referred By: HR Director Dillinger


Union Contracts, Fee Ordinance, Salary Ordinance, Changes to Chapter 165, EPA Matters, Appropriations/Budget, Enterprise Zone Agreements / Tax Abatement / CRA Matters-Agreements w/CD, Fire Station Work, Police Complex Work, Issue 6 Matters, Rural Enterprise Zone Matters, sale of City owned land w/ CD, Acquiring properties for Land Reutilization in Compliance with Neighborhood Stabilization Program. W/ CD

The matter of Unpaid Utility Bills approved by Resolution Board and to be certified to L.C. Auditor, The matter of lot mowing charges.

The matter of Insurance Policy Renewals

Finance Agenda February 24, 2020