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Joint Community Development & Finance Committee Meeting Minutes: Jan 27, 2020

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  4.  » Joint Community Development & Finance Committee Meeting Minutes: Jan 27, 2020

(Approved 2-10-2020)


The Evening’s Meeting Continued with the JOINT Meeting of the Community Development and Finance Committees which began at 6:55 P.M.

Community Development was already called to order.

Mr. Stewart called Finance to order:

CD PRESENT: Chair Callahan, Co-Chair Mitchell, Jessie, Madison, Cerra

FINANCE PRESENT: Committee Chair Stewart, Madison, Tollett, Baird, Davis & Jessie

OTHERS PRESENT: Law Director Deery, Mayor Whitfield, Safety Service Dir Brubaker, Assistant Finance Director Farrell, Water Plant Superintendent Jacob, Fire Chief Mack, Building Official Farkas, CD Manager Almobayyed, Cemetery Div Superintendent Given, Councilperson Keys, Councilperson Oswald

1. Approval of the DECEMBER 9TH, 2019 JOINT Meeting Minutes.

Mr. Cerra moved and Mr. Baird seconded to approve the above meeting minutes.


2. The matter of Amending the Elyria Township JEDD to add parcels.

REFERRED BY: Assistant Law Director Breunig

Law Dir Deery said this matter involves several parcels in Elyria Township, commonly known as the area of the old Elyria West High and Kindergarten Village. The schools are asking the City’s assistance to sewer that area so they’ve agreed to become a part of the JEDD. The positive is that they’ve agreed to come under the umbrella of the City’s Income Tax for 80% which is a win for Elyria. This matter will need to go for 3 readings and a public hearing. The schools have already okayed this.

Mr. Tollett asked if the City would collect 80% income tax on employees who work on premises? Mr. Farrell said that is correct. He said the business in the JEDD is subject to income tax. Currently they’re not in the JEDD so the employers aren’t withholding. But once this is final they will. The JEDD will get 20% of the income tax and the City gets 80%.

Mrs. Mitchell asked if there were already sewers in that area? Ms. Deery said that there will be future development and there will be a need for sanitary sewer.

Mr. Baird said he was in a JEDD meeting with the Mayor and there is a sewer that goes up Lake Avenue but not beyond and we would fund that and they would become part of that district. Presently they have a lift station.

Mr. Stewart brought to the attention that 2 of the parcel numbers on the referral have too many digits in the number, most likely an extra zero, so those numbers would have to be clarified.

Mr. Callahan thanked Mr. Stewart for noticing that error.


Motion made by Mr. Cerra and second by Mr. Jessie to recommend an ordinance authorizing the ‘said’ JEDD agreement with Elyria Township and list of parcels attached.

Motion made by Mr. Baird and second by Mrs. Davis to recommend an ordinance authorizing the ‘said’ JEDD agreement with Elyria Township and list of parcels attached.


Miscellaneous and Unfinished Business:

Mr. Jessie wanted to thank everyone for their participation at the Issue 6 Fund-raiser Event on Saturday night. Everyone did multiple things in terms of donating, buying & selling tickets, table sponsors, baskets, set-up, take down, bring desserts. It was a fun and successful event. He didn’t have the exact figures but thinks the profit is in the range of $4,700.00. Last years profit was about $2,200.00. The difference came from Table Sponsors and twice as many baskets. They will plan to do this again next year.

So there should be close to $7,000 in the Issue 6 account.

Mr. Baird wanted to recognize Mr. Jessie and Thank him for his dedication.

Mrs. Mitchell said that she had the privilege along with The Mayor, Mrs. Keys and Mrs. Davis of being part of building beds with an organization called ‘Sleep In Heavenly Peace’. They build beds for underprivileged kids in Lorain County. There mission statement is ‘No Child Shall Sleep On The Floor’. She said it was so humbling. They need donations of sheets, gift cards, lumber, money. It’s a worth while cause!

There was no other business for Community Development and Mr. Callahan asked for a motion to adjourn.

Motion made by Mr. Jessie and second by Mr. Cerra to adjourn The Community Development portion of the evening’s committee meetings at 7:10 P.M.


The evening’s meeting continued with the Finance Committee Meeting.

Respectfully Submitted by,

Colleen Rosado, Council Clerk Secretary