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Elyria Police Lateral Transfer

Starting pay is $28.27/hour until completion of FTO program where it goes up to $30.52/hour.  If you have 3 or more years of full-time experience you will start at the $30.52/hour rate. 3% raise each year in 2023 and 2024. Support car (take home) after probation period if you live in Lorain county...

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RFP: Printer/Copier services, equipment and copies

Separate sealed Request for Proposals (RFP) will be received by the Mayor of the City of Elyria, Ohio in the Office of the Safety Service Director, Elyria City Hall, 131 Court St., Ste, 301, Elyria, Ohio 44035 until 2:30 p.m., Local Time on Monday May 1,  Printer/Copier services, equipment and...

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Laborers: Part Time/ Seasonal Position

The City of Elyria is seeking seasonal, part-time Laborers to join various departments. The position of Laborer is an entry-level position to the City of Elyria. Laborers serves in various departments of the City of Elyria, including Water Pumping, Wastewater Pollution Control, Streets, Cemetery,...

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Mayor Frank Whitfield State of the City Address

In conjunction with the Lorain County Chamber of Commerce, the Elyria Rotary Club, and sponsored by NOPEC, Mayor Frank Whitfield will deliver his 2022 State of the City Address 11:30am Tuesday, March 1st, 2022 at the Lorain County Community College Spitzer Center. Residents will be able to view...

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February 3rd & 4th Sanitation Update

Due to the weather conditions trash pickup will be DELAYED Thursday, February 3rd and Friday, February 4th. The following is the updated schedule to make up for the delayed days. Please set out and remove trash cans in a timely manner to help with snow removal.    2/3/22 Thursday: Delayed 2/4/22...

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Community Housing Impact & Preservation Program

The CHIP program is designed to bring affected 1-unit structures into compliance withthe City of Elyria Housing Code and ODSA Residential Rehab Standards. This will beaccomplished by a combination of making repairs to, altering or replacing the electrical,heating, plumbing and structural elements...

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City of Elyria Engineering Personnel Change

There has been an internal change in the City of Elyria Engineering Department. The city administration has appointed Kathryn McKillips as the City of Elyria Engineer effectiveMonday, January 3, 2022. John Schneider will fill the role as the Assistant Engineer for the Cityof Elyria effective...

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The City of Elyria and its consultant AECOM is performing a Sewer System Evaluation Study (SSES) of the Eastern Heights area to evaluate sources of infiltration and inflow (I/I) of storm water in the sewer area that contribute wet weather flow to the sanitary sewer system and may be contributing...

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City of Elyria Board and Commission Appointment Application

Members of these boards and commissions: Must be Elyria residents and; Shall not hold any other office or employment with the City of Elyria. The purpose of this application is to express interest in one or more of the following boards and committees: - Parks and Recreation Board - Civil Service...

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Festival Of Lights 2021

ELYRIA, OH – The City of Elyria’s beloved Festival of Lights tradition is BACK and will be held Saturday, December 4th, from 3:00-7:30 p.m.  The event — hosted in partnership with Elyria Sunrise Rotary, Elyria Parks and Recreation Department, The Elyria Fire Department, and LifeCare Ambulance —...

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