In response to complaints by citizens in the Eastern Heights area, here are the statistics of the citations written over a 5 day period. Our traffic enforcement initiatives serve only one purpose, to keep our roadways safer by reducing accidents and injuries. Officers will be increasing patrol on...
Civil Service Commission Meeting Agenda: Monday, October 16th, 2023
Civil Service Commission Meeting Agenda: Monday, October 16th, 2023
Fall Street Sweeping & Leaf Pick up
As we enter into our Fall Street Sweeping, please adhere to the following: Pink No Parking signs (with dates) DO NOT PARK in the street on those dates. There have been many issues of cars being on the routes, and the streets are unable to be cleaned of debris. In order to keep our storm sewers...
Midway Mall Survey – Update with Results
The results of the survey are in! Loading…
Elyria CIC Meeting
The Elyria Community Improvement Corporation Board will meet on 9/28/23 at 11:00 am to conduct any and all business that may come before the Board. Meeting will take place at City Hall in the 3rd Floor Conference Room. Public welcome.
9/5/23 Director’s Reports for City Council
Director’s Reports for City Council
Tai Chi Classes
Classes will Begin 9/11/23 Instructor Mike Stadul will host class every Monday 10:00am - 11:00am South Recreation Center Meeting Room 101 South Park Dr.
2024 Community Development Block Grant
The application for the 2024 Community Development Block Grant has been posted to the Community Development CDBG page. See below for all the details and the application. Community Development Block Grant
City of Elyria Awarded $550,000 in Grant Funding from Safe Routes to School Program
Elyria, OH [August 1, 2023] - The City of Elyria will receive $550,000 in grant funding from the Ohio Department of Transportation’s Safe Routes to School program, which works to improve safety for students walking and biking to and from school. An allocation of $470,000 has been earmarked for...
Comprehensive Land Use Plan Survey 1 Results
The online survey was open from the end of December, 2022 to the beginning of May, 2023. 398 responses were submitted in total. Survey respondents were asked about the existing conditions in Elyria, what topics the comprehensive plan should address, and what they thought the top priorities should...
Tall Grass Notice
For All High Grass Complaints please call 440-326-1415 and give the address of the property, if there is no address (ie, vacant lot) please give a detailed description of the property. LEGAL NOTICE THIS NOTICE IS PUBLISHED PURSUANT TO CITY OF ELYRIA CODIFIED ORDINANCE 553.02; 553.03; and 553.04,...
Thank You Flower Basket Sponsors
Registration for Summer Day Camp Programs in Elyria 2023
Registration opens on March 27th for our Summer Day Camp Programs in Elyria 2023. To register online Click Here. Elylife Summer Camps – Nicole Edwards Registration Begins March 27 Campers may attend up to 3 camps 6/12-16 STEM Camp, K-4 6/19-23 Get Set Get Fit, K-4 6/26-30 Around the World, K-4...
Laborers: Part Time/Seasonal, Various Departments
Laborers Part Time/ Seasonal Position The City of Elyria is seeking seasonal, part-time Laborers to join various departments. The position of Laborer is an entry-level position to the City of Elyria. Laborers serves in various departments of the City of Elyria, including Water Pumping, Wastewater...
African-American Entrepreneurs Pop-Up Shop
In honor of Black History Month, NEO LaunchNET – Lorain County Community College’s (LCCC’s) entrepreneurial-launching, dream-making, business machine – will host a Pop-Up Shop featuring African-American Entrepreneurs on February 15 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. in the halls of The Campana Center for...
Our Elyria Comprehensive Plan
For those who missed the kick off at MLK, join us for the next community meeting on Monday, Feb 6th at 6 PM at City Hall to share your thoughts on the future of Elyria as part of the "Our Elyria" comprehensive plan. You can also fill out the survey online at or pick up a paper...
ESRS – In the LOOP
The Work across the city continues, here are just a few progress updates. E. Broad Street Monday, January 30, 2023 Broad St. between Williams and Sumner will be working between Williams St. and Sumner. They have a flagger on site to keep traffic moving. Please drive safely. Cleveland Street...
Parks Master Plan Update
Update Overview Download the Updated Draft Here Is there anything missing from the Elyria Parks Master Plan that you wish would have been included? Click here to answer question Any questions about the plan? Email
FirstEnergy and Ohio Edison to Brighten the City of Elyria with Holiday Lights Display
ELYRIA, Ohio – FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) and its subsidiary Ohio Edison will brighten Elyria with a professionally designed light display as part of the company’s second annual “Light Up Holiday Smiles with FirstEnergy” program. The initiative is helping make the season brighter and merrier...