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City and Lorain County Public Health (LCPH) Seek Community Input on Proposed Projects for Walking and Biking Solutions

Mar 26, 2021

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The City of Elyria and Lorain County Public Health (LCPH) seek community input to prioritize projects included in the Elyra Active Transportation Plan (ATP). Discuss future walking and biking routes specific to your neighborhood with city leaders and residents. Join an online community discussion that works for you:

All previous sessions were recorded, and are available to view at

To join a meeting and view the presentation, you will need internet access and to download the meeting platform (Zoom) on a computer or phone. You can share input after the presentation has ended via video chat or via voice only. If you do not have internet access, call in via phone at the time of the meeting: 1-646-876-9923 and enter the meeting ID and passcode:

  • Thursday, April 8th meeting ID: 811 3925 5993; passcode: 44035
  • Tuesday, April 13th meeting ID: 892 4053 1599; passcode: 44035

ATPs aim to create safe, easy and fun opportunities for residents of all ages and abilities to choose human-powered transportation options. Human-powered transportation includes biking, walking, skating, scooting, and rolling to get where you want to go. When it’s safe and easy to choose human-powered transportation, communities can reverse the nationwide trend toward obesity and chronic diseases associated with inactivity.

Communities with ATPs are eligible for funding from the Ohio Department of Transportation and the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency. The Ohio Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control recommend ATPs as a proven strategy to promote healthier communities.

Contact Sara Tillie, Health Education Specialist at LCPH at 440-284-3284 with questions.

For more information on how we make your health & safety our priorities, contact Lorain County Public Health at 440-322-6367 or visit Follow your local health department on Twitter @LorainCoHealthFacebook, or YouTube.
