Tom Callahan ~ Committee Chair
1. Approval of the DECEMBER 9TH, 2019 Community Development Meeting Minutes.
2. The matter of a rezoning request to rezone the northwest corner of Abbe Road & Hilliard Road for a Circle K Convenience Store, Gas Station and Car Wash.
[This matter was denied by Planning Commission on Dec. 2nd]
REFERRED BY: Wellert Corporation
3. The matter of a request for a NEW liquor license as submitted by 7 Star, LLC, 824 Middle Ave., Elyria (Permit Class: C1 and C2).
REFERRED BY: Ohio Division of Liquor Control
4. The matter of an Annexation Agreement with Carlisle Township.
REFERRED BY: Assistant Law Director Breunig
5. The matter of entering into an Agreement with Elyria Township in which Elyria will receive proceeds from jobs created in parcels removed from the JEDD.
REFERRED BY: Assistant Law Director Breunig
1. The matter of the sale and purchase of properties and City owned properties and disposal of City properties.
2. The matter of entering into agreements for tax abatement, urban enterprise zones, and the CRA’s. w/ Finance
3. The matter of acquiring properties for land reutilization in compliance with Neighborhood Stabilization Program. w/Finance
4. The matter of the acceptance of several subdivisions. (Subdivisions awaiting completion of sidewalks).
5. The matter of citizen requests for additional street lighting. W/ Finance Referred by: SSD Siwierka (tabled 1/11/16)
(4/11/16 tabled to pending)