[Immediately Following the JOINT Meeting]
Vic Stewart ~ Committee Chair FINAL Agenda
1. Approval of the FEBRUARY 10TH, 2020 Finance Meeting Minutes
2. The matter of a Phone System Upgrade for Elyria Municipal Courts.
REFERRED BY: Municipal Court Clerk Rothgery
3. The matter of a Security Camera System for Elyria Municipal Courts.
REFERRED BY: Municipal Court Clerk Rothgery
4. The matter of a Job Classification change for the position of Elyria Muni Court Deputy Clerk-Administrative.
REFERRED BY: Municipal Court Clerk Rothgery
5. The matter of the Resurfacing Project of the Elyria Police Station Parking Lot.
REFERRED BY: Assistant Service Director Brubaker
6. The matter of City Property that is no longer being used and to be disposed of by selling.
REFERRED BY: Assistant Service Director Brubaker
7. The matter of City Property that is no longer being used and to be disposed of as scrap.
REFERRED BY: Assistant Service Director Brubaker
8. The matter of the Temporary Appropriations for the year 2020.
REFERRED BY: Finance Directors Pileski and Farrell
9. The matter of the Permanent Appropriations for the year 2020.
REFERRED BY: Finance Directors Pileski and Farrell
[For Discussion Only]
1. The matter of citizen requests for additional street lighting. W/ CD Referred by: SSD Siwierka (tabled 1/11/16 & 4/11/16)
2. The matter of equipping police cruisers and police officers with video cameras. (4/24/17 tabled) Referred by: Councilman Tanner
3. The matter of the Sanitation Rate Review to adopt new Sanitation Rates. Referred By: Safety Service Director Siwierka
4. The matter of changes to Chapter 165 Executive Summary. Referred By: HR Director Dillinger
Union Contracts, Fee Ordinance, Salary Ordinance, Changes to Chapter 165, EPA Matters, Appropriations/Budget, Enterprise Zone Agreements / Tax Abatement / CRA Matters-Agreements w/CD, Fire Station Work, Police Complex Work, Issue 6 Matters, Rural Enterprise Zone Matters, sale of City owned land w/ CD, Acquiring properties for Land Reutilization in Compliance with Neighborhood Stabilization Program. W/ CD
The matter of Unpaid Utility Bills approved by Resolution Board and to be certified to L.C. Auditor, The matter of lot mowing charges.
The matter of Insurance Policy Renewals