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Veterans Tree

The city of Elyria and Elyria council of veterans are teaming up to recognize veterans during the coming holiday season. A special ‘Veterans Tree’ will be on display in city hall decorated with photo ornaments of local veterans and current active duty service men and women. The veterans photo...

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Mayors Whitfield and Bradley to Host Town Hall

The City of Elyria will host a Public Safety Town Hall with Mayor Frank Whitfield and City of Lorain Mayor, Jack Bradley, from 5:30-7:00 p.m. on Friday, September 30th at Elyria’s South Park Recreation Center. Mayors Whitfield and Bradley will discuss community-based crime prevention, law...

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The second round of the annual City of Elyria Street Sweeping Initiative is scheduled to begin on Monday, September 26, 2022. Sweeping will start in Ward 5 and progress through the rest of the City counterclockwise in the following order: Ward 3 Ward 1 Ward 7 Ward 4 Ward 2 Ward 6 Prior to...

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City of Elyria Secures $2.7M Grant to Fight Violent Crime

The City of Elyria is pleased to announced it has secured a $2.7 million dollar grant for the Elyria Police Department from the Violent Crime Reduction Act. The grant will be used to hire 12 new officers focused on proactive initiatives to prevent violent crime. The funds will also be used to...

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Mayor Whitfield Visits White House, Shares ARPA Story

Today, Elyria Mayor Frank Whitfield is at the White House to share how the City of Elyria is utilizing the American Rescue Plan Act, the Infrastructure Bill, and the CHIPS Act to transform our community into a city of the future. These investments are empowering our residents today and will...

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Elyria Welcomes Five New Police Officers

In a ceremony at City Hall on Monday, five new police officers were sworn in by the City of Elyria. Ali Sabeiha, Matthew Perkins, Matthew Diffenbacker, Robert Lenz and John Witthuhn were joined by their families as Police Chief William Pelko and Mayor Frank Whitfield welcomed them into the Elyria...

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Fairlawn Project

Columbia Gas is getting set to begin a pipeline replacement project in Elyria. Crews will be installing approximately 10,000 feet of new plastic pipe serving 260 residences in the area generally bounded by Broad, Stanford, Prospect and Concord (not to include Eastern Heights). Please see the...

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Mayor Whitfield Previews Infrastructure Projects

Elyria Mayor Frank Whitfield and the city’s engineering department gathered this week at a town hall meeting to preview upcoming infrastructure projects. The meeting aimed to educate the public about the planned resurfacing projects on East Broad and Cleveland streets through 2024. The town hall...

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Columbia Gas Pipeline Replacement Project

The Columbia Gas Pipeline Replacement Project is underway within the City of Elyria. This project will be replacing gas line pipe on Taylor, Broad, S. Logan, Fairlawn, and some on Concord. For More information see the resources below For a detailed overview of the project, Click Here There will...

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Community Shred Day – Update!

Our Previous Spring Shred day originally scheduled for  May 21st has been Canceled. The City of Elyria is instead hosting its Spring Community Shred Day on Saturday, June 4th, from 9:00am to 12:00pm for residents to safely destroy personal records, financial documents, business proceedings, and...

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City of Elyria Fire Department Hydrant Flushing

The Elyria Fire Department will be flushing hydrants throughout the city beginning Monday, April 18,2022. The testing will run through Friday, November 4, 2022. Crews will be flushing Monday through Thursday from 8:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.  Hydrants are tested to ensure readiness for fire suppression....

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City of Elyria Utilities Monthly Staff Meetings

The City of Elyria utilities department will hold scheduled staff meetings on the second Wednesday of every month from 8-9:30am. The city hall utilities window and phones will be closed at this time and will reopen at 9:30am. April 13, 2022 May 11, 2022 June 8, 2022 July 13, 2022 August 10, 2022...

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